Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Proposed LSA 2025 Workshop

 Title: Foundations of Minimalist Syntax

Breaking News! This workshop has been approved and scheduled. 

Sunday January 12, 2025    (Salon G)


(15 minute break)

12 - 1:30

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Blurbs/Praise for Principles of Argument Structure

“This carefully argued inquiry develops an original and persuasive Merge-based approach to fundamental questions about the syntactic foundations of semantic interpretation. A very valuable contribution to central issues in the study of language.”

Noam Chomsky

“Collins' stimulating new monograph delves into and sheds important new analytical light on some of the central questions in syntactic theory and will be essential reading on implicit arguments and the passive voice.”

Jason Merchant, 

Vice Provost and Lorna Puttkammer Straus Distinguished Service Professor of Linguistics, University of Chicago

“A beautiful trip into the intricacies of the organization of the nominal arguments of verbs, sometimes silent, sometimes overt, developed in such a sharp way, that makes one feel that deep properties have indeed been uncovered. Collins' book illustrates the scientific method at its best, leaving a feeling of freshness and clarity.”

Adriana Belletti, 

University of Siena, Italy


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Proposal: Ewe Dialect Map (Eʋe Kɔtagbewo ƒe Tata)


We propose to develop an interactive map of the Ewe (western Gbe) dialects of Ghana, Togo and Benin. The map will interface with a detailed database of morphosyntactic information about the Ewe dialects. The map will be freely available on the Internet.