Summary: Nanosyntax is a theory of syntax that assumes late insertion, and phrasal spell-out.
< /blikәt/ ⇔ [ZP Z [YP Y [XP X ]]] ⇔ BLICKET > (Baunaz and Lander 2018: 26)
Example: Russian accusative of ‘lip’ gub-ú (Caha 2020: 30, example (65))
Discuss: Superset Principle, Elsewhere Principle, Cyclic Override Principle
1. Minimalist (Merge), Cartography, LCA
2. One feature, one head (no bundling)
3. No Morphological Component (no impoverishment, no post-syntactic insertion)
Spellout-Driven Movement
1. Motivated by Spellout (in addition to syntactic movement)
2. Leaves no trace (needed for lexical insertion)
3. Spellout Algorithm/Lexicalization Algorithm (Caha et. al. 2024)
a. Merge F and lexicalize FP
b. If (a) fails, move the Spec of the complement of F, and lexicalize FP
c. If (b) fails, move the complement of F, and lexicalize FP
d. If (c) fails, go back to the previous cycle and try the next option for that cycle
Paval Caha (p.c.): “You need Spec movement before complement movement in all cases where an agglutinative form (derived by complement movement) could have been used, but never is, because there is a portmanteau morpheme.”
1. Spellout driven movement seems like a second syntactic system (outside of regular syntax) needed for spell-out. In that way, it is similar to the operations of the morphological component (e.g., impoverishment, post-syntactic movement) in DM.
2. How does compositional semantics work in Nanosyntax?
a. Spell-out driven movement does not leave traces.
b. Lexical insertion introduces conceptual material at the phrasal level.
MaS and Nanosyntax:
Note: NS uses phrasal spell-out, where MaS uses empty elements.
Hypothesis: For every NS proposal, it is possible to translate that proposal mechanically into an MaS proposal in the following way:
a. If in NS, a lexical item spells out a phrase with one head H as PHON, then in MaS, there is the lexical item {H, PHON}.
b. If in NS, a lexical item spells out a phrase involving two heads H1 and H2 (H1 c-commands H2) as PHON, then in MaS, there is the lexical item {H2, PHON}, and H1 is licensed as an empty element when occurring with H2.
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