Here are two related abstracts that I submitted for ACAL55 with co-authors. ACAL stands for Annual Conference on African Linguistics.
They both concern the classification of Khoe-Kwadi languages (Central Khoisan). The first deals specifically with Tshila, which has not been very well classified before. The second deals with the structure of the Kalahari Khoe subgroup of Khoe-Kwadi, arguing that it should be divided into northern and southern Kalahari Khoe. The methodology of the second paper is based on the Bantu linguistics paper by Marten, Kula and Thwala 2007.
As of the posting date (November 6, 2023), neither abstract has been either accepted or rejected.
Batchelder-Schwab, Andre and Chris Collins. 2023. Classification of Tshila.
Abstract submitted to ACAL55. Abstract.
Collins, Chris and Anne-Maria Fehn. 2023. Parameters of Morphosyntactic Variation in Kalahari Khoe.
Abstract submitted to ACAL55. Abstract.