Sunday, August 18, 2024

Syllabus: Morphology as Syntax (Fall 2024, NYU) (Collins and Kayne)

This seminar will develop the program sketched in Collins and Kayne (2023) (MaS or "Morphology as Syntax").  We will attempt to show that pursuing a syntactic approach to various questions that might otherwise be called ‘morphological’ yields deeper insights than could otherwise be achieved.  


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Smuggling and Labeling Theory (version 2)

 Smuggling and Labeling Theory

Andreas Blümel, Humboldt-Universität Berlin / University of Göttingen

Chris Collins, New York University

August 17, 2024

Abstract: This paper draws a deep connection between smuggling (Collins 2005) and labeling (Collins 2002, Chomsky 2013, 2015), showing that the movement of the smuggler in a smuggling derivation can be triggered by the labeling algorithm. 

Keywords: passive, smuggling, labeling algorithm

Smuggling and Labeling Theory (version 2)

Also posted on Lingbuzz:

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Congratulations to Selikem Gotah on successful dissertation defense!

Congratulations to Selikem Gotah for passing his NYU doctoral dissertation defense "The A'-Quadrangle: From Ewe Dialects to UG"! I attach a screenshot. Lots of interesting Ewe dialect data, with very important theoretical implications for A'-movement (e.g., extending the Cable/Sulemana system to relativization and arguing against the Rizzi/Aboh analysis of focus particles).

Principles of Argument Structure (Sharing Discount Codes)

The sale date is fast approaching: September 17, 2024.

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Friday, August 9, 2024

Inversion and the Nominal Linker in Kua

Abstract: The linker in Kua relates modifiers (demonstratives, adjectives, possessors, relative clauses) to the head noun in the DP. I propose that the linker is the head of an LkP projection where NP moves into Spec LkP giving rise to an inverted word order. 

Keywords: linker, inversion, concord

Inversion and the Nominal Linker in Kua

Monday, August 5, 2024

Smuggling and Labeling Theory

 Smuggling and Labeling Theory

Andreas Blümel, Humboldt-Universität Berlin / University of Göttingen

Chris Collins, New York University

August 4, 2024

Abstract: This paper draws a deep connection between smuggling (Collins 2005) and labeling (Collins 2002, Chomsky 2015), showing that the movement of the smuggler in a smuggling derivation can be triggered by the labeling algorithm.

Smuggling and Labeling Theory

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Year of Smuggling (2024)

There has been a tidal wave of recent work on smuggling, in the sense of Collins 2005. I will refer to 2024 as ‘The Year of Smuggling’ for all the breakthrough work taking place.