Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Grammatical Sketch of Kuasi (Botswana) (ToC)

A Grammatical Sketch of Kuasi (Botswana)

Table of Contents


List of Abbreviations     

1. Introduction   

2. Basic Sentences   

3. PGN Markers on Nouns   

3.1. Animate Nouns   

3.2. Proper Names   

3.3. Inanimate Nouns   

3.4. PGN Paradigms   

3.5. The Object Marker   

3.6. Semantic Effects   

3.7. Associative Plural   

3.8. The PGN Modifier Constraint   

4. Pronoun System   

4.1. Bare/Possessor Pronouns   

4.2. Subject Pronouns   

4.3. Object Pronouns   

4.4. Unmarked Pronoun   

5. Imperative and Subjunctive   

5.1. Imperative   

5.2. Subjunctive Pronouns   

5.3. Coordination   

6. Reciprocals and Reflexives   

6.1. Reciprocals   

6.2. Reflexives   

7. Juncture Morpheme   

7.1. Distribution   

7.2. Realizations   

7.3. Summary   

7.4. Transcriptions   

8. Tense, Aspect, Negation and Modality   

8.1. Progressive   

8.2. Past   

8.3. Past Progressive   

8.4. Perfective   

8.5. Future   

8.6. Future Progressive   

8.7. Habitual   

8.8. Stative Verbs and Adjectives   

8.9. Modality   

9. Adverbs   

9.1. Temporal Adverbs   

9.2. Manner Adverbs with -χà   

9.3. Adverbs with -à   

9.4. Other Adverbs   

10. Postpositions   

10.1. Simple Postpositions  

10.2. Complex Postpositions   

11. Noun Phrase Coordination   

12. Passives   

13. Causatives   

14. Copulas   

14.1. Locative Copula   

14.2. Identificational Copula   

15. Serial Verb Constructions   

15.1. SVCs vs. Coordination   

15.2. SVCs vs. Verbal Complementation   

15.3. Directional   

15.4. Resultative   

15.5. Simultaneous   

15.6. Pluractionality   

15.7. Benefactive   

15.8. Other Categories   

16. Demonstratives   

16.1. Proximal Demonstratives   

16.2. Proximal Demonstratives: The Anaphoric Noun  

16.3. Proximal Demonstratives: The kà-Strategy

16.4. Distal Demonstratives

16.5. Distal Demonstratives: The Anaphoric Noun

16.6. Distal Demonstratives: The kà-Strategy

16.7. The Anaphoric Demonstrative

16.8. Locative Adverbs

16.9. Summary of Demonstratives

17. Adjectives

17.1. Predicate Adjectives

17.2. Attributive Adjectives

17.3. The Anaphoric Noun

17.4. The kà-Strategy

17.5 Multiple Modifiers

18. Numerals

18.1. Numerals Modifying Nouns

18.2. Numerals as Predicates

18.3. The Anaphoric Noun

18.4. The kà-Strategy

18.5. Ordinal Numerals

19. Quantifiers

19.1. The Quantifier Many

19.2. The Existential Quantifier

19.3. The Universal Quantifier

20. Possessors

20.1. The Simple Strategy

20.2. The Possessor Particle

20.3. The Anaphoric Noun

20.4. The kà-Strategy

21. Relative Clauses

21.1. The Post-Verbal Strategy

21.2. The Anaphoric Noun

21.3. The kà-Strategy

21.4. Instrumental, Locative and Temporal Relative Clauses

22. Subordinate Clauses

23. Clausal Coordination and Conditionals

23.1. Clausal Coordination

23.2. Range of Relations

23.3. Conditionals

24. Comparison

24.1. Inequality

24.2. Equality

25. Questions

25.1. Yes-No Questions

25.2. What Questions

25.3. Who Questions

25.4. Which Questions

25.5. When Questions

25.6. Where Questions

25.7. How Questions

25.8. Why Questions

25.9. How Many/How Much Questions

25.10. Summary of Question Words

25.11. Embedded Questions

26. Topic and Focus

26.1. The Topic Marker ká

26.2. The Focus Marker χá

26.3. Answers to Questions


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