Friday, July 26, 2024

*by it

 I recently noticed this paradigm. It is likely that other people have noticed the same thing, but I did not search very hard for references. The bottom line is that clausal expletive it cannot the complement of a by-phrase in the passive. At the end of the note, I offer some tentative ideas about why this generalization holds.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

My Five Year Research/Writing Plan (2024-2029)

In the next five years, I will accomplish the following research and writing projects. There are many other issues that I am interested in, but these are the ones for which I have been able to write up concrete proposals. Surprisingly all of these projects have the flavor of returning to my roots.

1. A comprehensive grammar of the Kpele dialect of Ewe. This is the language that I know best, other than English. I want to combine my years of experience writing Khoisan grammars with my knowledge of Ewe and Kpelegbe, and write a comprehensive grammar. Doing this project will involve fieldwork in Togo during the summers of 2025, 2026 and 2027. It will also require applying for a research permit for Togo during the academic year 2024-2025. I should have a complete draft by Fall 2027.

Grammar of the Kpele Dialect of Ewe

2. An interactive map of Ewe dialects. This is a sister project to the Kpelegbe grammar. Both projects aim to increase knowledge of syntactic variation between Ewe dialects. As opposed to the Kpelegbe grammar, the Ewe dialect map will require a large international team, and significant funding. Therefore, I will have to write up and submit a grant proposal during Fall 2024. Once I get funding, the project will take four years to complete.

Ewe Dialect Map

3. Autobiography. For the last several years I have been assembling materials and writing excerpts of my autobiography. I am interested in how my life fits together, and why I choose the path I did, and what that path has led to. I am also interested in presenting my discoveries for a general audience. It will take me at least two or three more years to complete the writing. Then I need to find a publisher.

The Autobiography of Christopher Thad Collins

4. Quotative Inversion. One of my first syntactic loves was quotative inversion. I discovered many things about it early on in my career. Now, I would like to return to it, and see what more can be said. I will give a seminar on quotative inversion during academic year 2025-2026. It should take two years to write.

Quotative Inversion Monograph

Friday, July 19, 2024

Fall 2024 Seminar: Morphology as Syntax (Collins and Kayne, NYU)

Course Description: 

This seminar will develop the program sketched in Collins and Kayne (2023) (MaS or "Morphology as Syntax"). We will attempt to show that pursuing a syntactic approach to various questions that might otherwise be called ‘morphological’ yields deeper insights than could otherwise be achieved.  

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Yushan Salon Talk Handout (July 23, 2024): A Merge-Based Approach to Argument Structure

Abstract: This talk outlines the Merge-based approach to argument structure developed in Collins 2024 (updating, defending and extending Collins 2005). The predictions of the Merge-based theory of implicit arguments and by-phrases will be compared to the predictions made by non-Merge based theories, such as Bruening2013.

Yushan Salon Talk Handout

Please register if you are interested

Writing the Sasi Dictionary: Some Personal Recollections


Writing the Sasi dictionary was difficult. The purpose of this piece is to explain to a general audience (of non-linguists) why I found it so difficult. From this, they might get an idea of the challenges that a field linguist faces in their day-to-day work.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Book Proposal: A Grammar of the Kpele Dialect of Ewe (Kpelegbe)

Ewe is a Kwa language spoken in West Africa in Ghana, Togo and Benin. Kpelegbe is a dialect of Ewe spoken in Kpele canton in Togo, on the road from Kpalime to Atakpame. While there is quite a bit of linguistic literature concerning standard Ewe, there is far less documentation of the many Ewe dialects.

I propose to write a comprehensive grammar of the Kpele dialect of Ewe. It will be at around 500 pages long (single spaced, 12 font), and will include a phonological sketch. All words and phrases in the grammar will be tone marked, and there will be a complete account of tone.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Merge-Based Approach to Argument Structure (Upcoming talk July 23, 2024)

Here is an announcement of my upcoming talk. If you wish to attend online, you need to contact the organizers (see the e-mail address on the announcement). You need to register. I will be giving a very condensed version of my monograph, focusing on the higher level principles. You can find a pre-publication version here: Principles of Argument Structure (Final pre-publication version).