Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Book Proposal: A Grammar of the Kpele Dialect of Ewe (Kpelegbe)

Ewe is a Kwa language spoken in West Africa in Ghana, Togo and Benin. Kpelegbe is a dialect of Ewe spoken in Kpele canton in Togo, on the road from Kpalime to Atakpame. While there is quite a bit of linguistic literature concerning standard Ewe, there is far less documentation of the many Ewe dialects.

I propose to write a comprehensive grammar of the Kpele dialect of Ewe. It will be at around 500 pages long (single spaced, 12 font), and will include a phonological sketch. All words and phrases in the grammar will be tone marked, and there will be a complete account of tone.

This grammar will be useful to scholars of Ewe language and culture, scholars the languages of Togo, Ghana and Benin, as well as Africanists more generally. It will provide a template for grammars of other Ewe dialects, and dialects of closely related languages.

Most of the fieldwork for the grammar was carried out in 1990-1991 on a Fulbright (IIE) Scholarship for Graduate Study Abroad. But further fieldwork will be conducted in the summers during 2025, 2026 and 2027.

Preliminary Table of Contents


List of Abbreviations


1. Introduction

2. Basic Sentences

3. Phonological Sketch

3.1. Consonants

3.2. Vowels

3.3. Tones

3.4. Reduplication


4. Pronoun System

4.1. Possessor Pronouns

4.2. Subject Pronouns

4.3. Object Pronouns

4.4. Strong Pronouns

5. Reciprocals and Reflexives

5.1. Reflexives

5.2. Reciprocals

6. The Logophoric Pronoun

Tense, Aspect, Negation, Modality

7. Tense and Aspect

7.1. Past Tense

7.2. Future

7.3. Habitual

7.4. Progressive

8. Negation

8.1. Sentential Negation

8.2. Negative Polarity Items

9. Modality

9.1. Deontic Modality

9.2. Epistemic Modality

10. Imperative and Subjunctive

10.1. Imperative

10.2. Subjunctive

11. Adverbs

11.1. Temporal Adverbs

11.2. Manner Adverbs

11.3. Other Adverbs

Verb Phrase Syntax

12. Double Object Constructions

13. Copulas

13.1. Locative Copula

13.2. Predicate Nominal Copula

14. Serial Verb Constructions

14.1. SVCs vs. Coordination

14.2. SVCs vs. Verbal Complementation

14.3. Directional

14.4. Resultative

14.5. Instrumental

14.6. Other Categories

15. Adpositions

15.1. Prepositions (Verbids)

15.2. Postpositions

16. nyá-Construction (Middle)

17. ná-Causatives

18. Comparison

18.1. Inequality

18.2. Equality

Noun Phrase Syntax

19. Noun Phrase Coordination

20. Demonstratives

20.1. Proximal Demonstratives

20.2. Distal Demonstratives

20.3. Locative Adverbs

20.4. Summary of Demonstratives

21. Adjectives

21.1. Predicate Adjectives

22.2. Attributive Adjectives

22.3. Multiple Modifiers

24. Numerals

24.1. Numerals Modifying Nouns

24.2. Ordinal Numerals

25. Determiners and Quantifiers

25.1. The Definite Determiner

25.2. The Indefinite Determiner

25.3. The Quantifier many

25.4. The Universal Quantifier

26. Possessors

26.1. Alienable Possession

26.2. Inalienable Possession

26.3. External Possession

27. Relative Clauses

27.1. The Relative Pronoun

27.2. Oblique Relatives

27.3. The Factive Construction

28. Nominalization

28.1. Gerund Nominalization

28.2. Agent Nominalization

Clausal Syntax

29. Clausal Complements

30. Adjunct Clauses

31. Conditionals

32. Overlapping Clauses

Left Periphery

33. Questions

33.1. Yes-No Questions

33.2. What Questions

33.3. Who Questions

33.4. Which Questions

33.5. When Questions

33.6. Where Questions

33.7. How Questions

33.8. Why Questions

33.9. How Many/Much Questions

33.10. Summary of Question Words

34. Topic and Focus

34.1. The Topic Marker

34.2. The Focus Marker

Selected References

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Agbedor, Paul. 1996. The Syntax of Ewe Personal Pronouns. Linguistique Africaine 16, 19-50.

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