Saturday, July 13, 2024

Monograph Proposal: Quotative Inversion

Abstract: This monograph presents a theory of quotative inversion within the Merge-based theory argument structure of Collins 2024a, building on work on quotative inversion by Collins and Branigan 1997, Collins 1997, Collins 2003, Bruening 2016, Murphy 2022, and Storment 2024, forthcoming. In this theory, the quotative operator is smuggled by VP movement over the in-situ subject (on smuggling see Collins 2005 and Belletti and Collins 2020, amongst many others), and then undergoes A-movement to Spec TP. In developing the analysis, the author summarizes all known data concerning quotative inversion in English, and summarizes what is known about cross-linguistic variation. Lastly, the author proposes a general theory of voice encompassing not only the passive construction, but also quotative inversion and related constructions.

1. Introduction

2. A-Movement of the Quotative Operator

3. The Position of the Subject

4. Smuggling of the Quotative Operator

5. Successive Cyclic Inversion

6. The Transitivity Constraint

7. Related Inversion Constructions

8. Cross-Linguistic Variation

9. Theoretical Consequences

10. Conclusion

Selected References

Belletti, Adriana and Chris Collins. 2020. Smuggling in Syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bruening, Benjamin. 2016. Alignment in Syntax: Inversion in English. Syntax 19, 111-155.

Collins, Chris and Phil Branigan. 1997. Quotative Inversion. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 15, 1-41.


Collins, Chris. 1997. Local Economy. MIT Press, Cambridge.

Collins, Chris. 2003. The Distribution of Particle Verbs in Quotative Inversion. Manuscript, Cornell University.


Collins, Chris. 2005. A Smuggling Approach to the Passive in English. Syntax  8, 81-120.


Collins, Chris. 2024a. Principles of Argument Structure: A Merge-Based Approach. MIT Press, Cambridge.

Collins, Chris. 2024b. Successive Cyclic Inversion. Ms., NYU.


Collins, Chris. 2024c. Two More Arguments for A-Movement in Quotative Inversion. Ms., NYU.


Murphy, Andrew. 2022. Parasitic Gaps Diagnose A-Movement in Quotative and Locative Inversion. Snippets 43.

Storment, John David. 2024. Quotative Inversion as Smuggling: Evidence from Setswana and English. Presented May 3, 2024 at the 55th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Montreal, Québec.

Storment, John David. Forthcoming. Projecting (Your) Voice: A Theory of Inversion and Circumvention. Doctoral Dissertation, Stony Brook, New York.

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